Kuniverse: Episode II

Launched in 2022, Kun's metaverse realm is evolving with a new episode ahead. From now on, Kuniverse users willbe able explore two experiences: World Champions - a fanciful yet authentic representation of the celebrations in the heart of Buenos Aires of Argentina winning the 2022 World Cup; and The Main Land, a virtual location that summarizes the professional and personal achievements of Sergio. Both experiences are festooned with minigame attractions for players to enjoy.
The Kuniverse was launch within The Sandbox, a virtual social gaming platform powered by blockchain. This means that awards that players obtain in the platform are tradeable tokens with a real market value. Other global celebrities and brands have launched their own experiences there, like Snoop Dogg, Paris Hilton, Adidas, Steve Aoki, The Walking Dead, among many others.
To join, just enter: https://www.sandbox.game/en/experiences/Obelisco%20Minigame/a6e16c92-0dc4-481b-beb6-8468fd7dd5cf/page/ https://www.sandbox.game/en/experiences/Obelisco%20Minigame/a6e16c92-0dc4-481b-beb6-8468fd7dd5cf/page/